Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Difference Between Filipinos and Americans

If you called 9-11-11 be sure you're on the right place, because  in America if you call these numbers, the rescuer team will help you but in the Philippines, pizza pie will arrive still hot, There's a food chain here, specially in Manila, specializing this kind of business, door to door pizza pie delivery. I don't know yet if it's coincidence when they're applying telephone line. In another make believe facts.when an American guy want to get married an American woman very few involved in the process down to the reception. In contrast; if the woman is a Filipina be ready for the big budget; because of the woman relatives extended up to the fifth cousins and the whole Barangay ready to attack  the reception and the next thing is you know what i mean; but remember; if love is blind.....you'll find your  way... where you want to settle down. Here is another one common practice by the Filipinos; we call it "Filipino time" don't follow the agreed time make it a habit 1 to 2 hours late. So, next time you visit this country, don't be amazed. In one occasion at the roadside, a young boy shouted to a passersby who happened to be a U.S. bachelor said the boy,"hey Joe" the man replied I'm not Joe I'm John.

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Fishing Blue Marlin on Philippine Deep

                                                                                                                 Weighing up to 1000 kgs.This delicous fish when grilled was a sure hits to a beach resorts, big city restaurants anywhere in the world. But how could you catched this dream fish? The locals here in siargao island did find a way by putting a metallic fabric, cut into half - foot stripe form onto the end of a fishing nylon this serve as a bait. This patterned was used to catched the ideal tender sized of  this kind of fish, from 30 to 100 kls. of weight, based on my  cooking experience and several conversation with the island veterans fisherman.

 Summertime was the best season of this catched, the month of May,June and July. But the following month you would rarely find them for the whole year round. Don't forgot to bring foods and drinks  if you have a plan to go fishing and the most important( life jacket).I tell you this because, here, we only use small boat of 2 to 3 person in capacity and you always shattered by the big waves.and better be secured.  Remember you're on philippine deep almost 35,000 ft. depth on this part of the pacific ocean, and also site of deuterium gas wating to be developed by foreign nationals. Tourist oftentimes  rented the boat for php 5,000 for the whole day including boat operator/fisherman.

For More info. about :
International Game fishing
International surfing
Island Tour
e mail me at sarmientoenrico@ymail.com