Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Election of Public Official

If you're living in the philippines for a long time, you will noticed that we filipinos are very excited when there is a coming election. The reason why? because it means that money also is coming before the day of election. Filipinos has a unique technique how to win, The new trend now is' free electric connection' sponsored by running candidate.What do you think of that, I'm sure you'll agree with me, that is a new version of vote buying. This kind of candidate  is like making business investment, If they win, you know the next agenda, Praise the lord..... when would you crucify them in front of innocent elector, another way is giving away cellfone....Yes! shout the young ones.sure they will vote with free ride going to precinct back & fort. Not so long ago free vacation to beaches  for 2 to 3 days to avoid election favor of the sponsoring party not to vote their preferred candidate. That's why Let's get some fun when election come.

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